Together, We Can Change the Face of Finance

We know the power of community! Every time someone makes a Worthy Bond purchase, they help to fuel the growth of American cities and towns. That's investing you can feel good about.

7PCT piggy bank

A Worthy Community

When you join Worthy, you're getting so much more than a financial platform to help you save and grow your money. You’re also getting an incredible community of people who are also looking to build wealth, create a brighter financial future, and support their fellow humans.


Saving for A Dream Trip


Saving for A New Car

Saving for My Wedding

Saving for My Wedding

Saving for my home

Saving for My Home

Saving for a bigger board

Saving for A Bigger Board

Saving for my retirement

Saving for My Retirement

Meet Our Worthies!

Spence B

"Worthy has done a great job of making me feel like a truly valued customer instead of just another statistic for them. Peace of mind because of liquidity? Helping small businesses?  There is no reason NOT to recommend Worthy to friends and family."

Spence B. - Bondholder since 2019

Jon w

"I've been with Worthy for two years now. The flexibility of being able to withdraw whenever is great, and the customer service has been amazing. I get answers the same day, and have often had my answers come from Sally, the CEO. I was originally skeptical, but now I'm fully Worthy! I'm building up my bonds slowly but surely."

Jon W. - Bondholder since 2018

"Worthy Bonds is Amazing!"

“Exceptional customer service...extremely engaging...unique, cool company.”

Russ - Dapper Dividends


I am Worthy  of a great financial future!

Get started today and invest as low as $10

financial future